

38 – Clearwater (Palm Harbor), Florida, Estados Unidos

living a completely different life now...so much has changed please re read

Afinidad recíproca


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Conexión: Hace más de 6 meses

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En sus propias palabras...

Sobre ella

Wow...... I don't even know Where to begin. Lol I feel like I'm on a job interview. WELL" I'm hardworking, too caring 4 my own good, maybe thats why my mom wanted to call me angel, but thank goodness my father said no and my uncle told her to add an A at the end so it'd be close. [removed[ i've been told i'm pretty funny, and people enjoy my company. now looking 4 the right type of company and haven't studied the truth in about two and half years give or take. I do love Jehovah but like many others have struggled with it on and off, I found myself feeling very lonely, I didn't really know anyone my age in the truth. I had gone to meetings with my mother when i was younger, I believed it, but was 2 young to understand the reasoning's for different things. I didn't become an active firm believer until i was eighteen. so everything about my life beforehand was worldly, outside of my household anyway. I'm not content with the way i've been living my life, but i find it to be very hard to not only get back on track, but stay on track when i don't have the positive influences and encouragement i need. All of my friends have different religious beliefs.claimed what their parents and know nothing of the bible, or they don't really know what they believe. I'm looking for friends, and possibly a relationship, I haven't been in a serious relationship at all as an adult. its very hard to find someone i want to stick around, the few i did find didn't feel the same way. I kind of want to meet people that understand the struggle of both sides. when it comes to people that have always served Jehovah, I feel like an outcast, like i should only keep it surface b/c i don't want to corrupt or introduce them to anything bad, revealing my past would only make me feel more ashamed. I know thats more of a personal issue, but whatever lol well that's all i'm going to write, because i don't want to continue rambling like a special person.

Acerca de su pareja ideal

Well, Like i stated somewhere earlier, I have yet to be in a serious commitment as an adult, i know... weird. lol anyway i'm going to mention a few things i'm looking for. I'll try to make this short and avoid writing you guys a book. Well I obviously like to laugh, you should know that by all of my LOL'S haha yea and i say weird random things like that. Anyway yes a good sense of humor is a must! I want someone who's intelligent and see's things for what they are. I need someone with a strong personality because I definitely have one. I'd rather be alone then date a doormat. I want someone with a strong sense of self and someone who's not afraid of an argument or will turn it into something bigger than it is. lol not that i'm a crazy person that picks fights but I want someone who's not afraid to put me in my place if needed. I don't want someone perfect or even close to it. I want someone that has made stupid mistakes, and for that, isn't extremely judgmental because of it. I tend to be sarcastic, so it'd be nice if they could handle it and just laugh instead of getting offended and behaving like a female. Some people call me bitter, but never a downer, I personally see myself as being realistic. The glass isn't half empty or half full. its clearly in between... duh. umm.. oh i like a variety of music, but oldies have to be my favorite and u must love them too! :) I'm looking for someone that can be my bestfriend and shares qualities that i have, good and bad. I basically want to date myself in the opposite sex. lol I'm just tired of people that are selfish, insensitive, ignorant, people that pretend to care but really don't. I don't even have a bestfriend, male or female. I just know that i want someone who knows the truth and will be there for me as much as i will for them. All my life i've given more of myself then i received from the other person. in friendships and relationships.

Lo que dicen sus amigos

lovingtruth aún no tiene recomendaciones de amigos.

Sobre ella

País de origen:
Estados Unidos
Ubicación actual:
Clearwater (Palm Harbor), Florida, Estados Unidos
5' 3" (160cm)
Constitución física:
Con curvas
Aspecto físico:
Color del cabello:
Color de ojos:
Origen étnico:
Hispano/Latino (de América)
Primer idioma (lengua materna):
Otros idiomas:
Testigo de Jehová
Serviendo como:
Actualment no serviendo
Estado de relación:
Pregúntame en otra ocasión
Tipos de relación:
Solo correspondencia online; Amistad; No cierro ninguna puerta
Tiene hijos:
Sí, que viven en mi casa
Quiere hijos:
Pregúntame en otra ocasión
Hábitos alimentarios:
Todo tipo de comida
Consumo de tabaco:
Fumo regularmente
Hábitos de bebida:
No bebo alcohol
Diplomatura técnica

Acerca de su pareja ideal

País de origen:
Estados Unidos
Ubicación actual:
Clearwater; Palm Harbor (Florida, Estados Unidos)
Mujer; Hombre
Edad entre:
26 - 37
5' 9" (174cm) - 6' 4" (194cm)
Constitución física:
Delgado/a; Normal; Un par de kilitos de más; Con curvas
Aspecto físico:
Muy atractivo/a; Por encima de la media; Normal; Atractivo/a
Color del cabello:
Da lo mismo
Color de ojos:
Da lo mismo
Tiene foto:
No negociable
Origen étnico:
Hispano/Latino (de América); Árabe / de Oriente Medio; Blanco; Otro
Primer idioma (lengua materna):
Otros idiomas:
Da lo mismo
Testigo de Jehová
Serviendo como:
Da lo mismo
Estado de relación:
Tiene hijos:
No; Sí, que no viven en mi casa; Sí, que viven en mi casa a veces
Quiere hijos:
Da lo mismo
Hábitos alimentarios:
Todo tipo de comida
Consumo de tabaco:
Da lo mismo
Hábitos de bebida:
No bebo alcohol; Bebida alcohólica ocasionalmente; Bebida alcohólica regularmente
Da lo mismo
Da lo mismo
Lo justo; Suficiente; Bien; Rico
  • Ninguna importancia
  • Poco importante
  • Bastante importante
  • Muy importante
  • No negociable

Más sobre ella

Fondo Religioso & Actividad
Testigo de Jehová bautizado por:
No pertinente
Horas Mensuales dedicadas al Servico de Tiempo:
Ningun/no pertinente
Enseñanazas bíblicas caseras :
Ningun/no pertinente
No pertinente/irrelevante
Miembros de familia expulsados:
Testigos de Jehová Miembros de familia:
Algunos miembros de mi familia son testigos de Jehová
Asistencia religiosa:
Actualmente estoy inactivo/no practico
Más características físicas
Mi peinado:
Tu vista:
Visión perfecta
Sentido del humor:
Gobernado por:
El corazón
En las fiestas...:
Rasgos de personalidad:
Estable; Inteligente; Persona cautelosa; Persona divertida; Persona extrovertida; Persona loca; Persona sarcástica; Realista; Suave
Cualidades valoradas:
Autocontrol; Buena química; Devoción; Fidelidad; Honestidad; Sentido del humor
Mi gusto por la moda:
Alternativo (tengo un estilo único)
Color favorito:
Ocio y entretenimiento
Fecha de actividades:
Tomar un café; Ir de copas
Preferencias musicales:
Alternativa; New Age; Pop; R&B / Soul; Rap / Hip Hop; Rock
Me encanta
Autoayuda; Autobiografías; Historia; No ficción; Policíaco; Religiosos
La TV:
Veo algunos de mis programas favoritos cada semana
Programas de TV:
Canales de películas; Comedia / Series; Naturaleza / Vida animal; Programas de entrevistas
Frecuencia con la que voy al cine:
Tipo de películas que me gustan:
Comedia; Drama; Misterio
Compras; Escribir; Escribir poesía; Esculpir; Fotografía; Juegos de mesa; Lectura; Navegar por internet; Pintura; Reparación de automóviles
Actividad deportiva:
No participo
Pasear; Pesca; Piscina
Me gusta bastante cocinar
Marisco; Sushi
Ceno fuera un par de veces por semana
En el trabajo y en tu vida privada
Ritmo de vida:
Buen ritmo
Tiempo en el trabajo:
Trabajo 40 horas por semana
Leer un libro
Tiempo en línea:
Una o dos veces por semana
Tamaño de la familia:
Tengo un hermano y una hermana
Mi familia:
Con ganas de mudarme:
Lo consideraría
Lo que me gusta y no
Me gustan en el zoológico
Mascotas que me gustan:
Pájaro(s); Gato(s); Perro(s); Peces; Caballo(s)
Mascotas (que no me gustan):
Animal(es) exótico(s); Reptil(es)
Si te pones a filosofar...
Mi casa Ideal:
Casa en un barrio residencial
Plan de jubilación:
Por fin escribir mi novela