Success Stories

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I found the perfect match. She wasn't what I thought I was looking for but I had this desire to just ask her a question and before I knew it we were talking like we knew each other for years. We fell in love fairly fast and it was Jehovah who guided us. So many things fell into place to take any doubts away and to make sure everything was legitimate. We will be married soon. I have the one I will live forever with if we get into paradise together. Thank you
Samuel, 19 March 2024
I met a beautiful sister named Rose. Jehovah has blessed us with uniting us. We both are in a happy relationship with Jehovah being our three fold cord. We are working towards growing with one another with marriage as our goal for our future. Thank you for the site and helping with our union together.
Clint, 15 March 2024
Married to the one I found on this site.
Patrick, 15 February 2024
Against all odds, I literally found a soulmate. It took time and wasn’t easy, but we’re both legit and moving forward! Wouldn’t have ever happened without using this site PATIENTLY and JUDICIOUSLY.
Monique, 13 February 2024
After a journey filled with ups and downs, I am thrilled to say that I have found the person who makes my heart soar. Finding a partner on your site has been a serendipitous adventure, and I want to express my deepest appreciation for providing the platform that led me to this extraordinary connection. The countless conversations, shared laughter, and the gradual discovery of our compatibility have made this experience unforgettable. As I take this step towards a new chapter in my life, I want to thank your team for creating a space where people can explore, connect, and ultimately find love. Your platform has been instrumental in bringing two hearts together, and for that, I am truly grateful. Though I bid farewell to this virtual realm, I carry with me the memories of the wonderful individuals I interacted with, the lessons learned, and, most importantly, the love that blossomed. I wish everyone still on this journey the very best in finding their special someone. May love continue to flourish on your platform, connecting hearts just as it did for me. With heartfelt gratitude,
Michael, 29 January 2024
I found my husband on this site. We got married in May 2023 after 8 months of dating. I'm very glad that this site gave me this oppotrunity. I would have never met him without this site. When people live in different countries, it's difficult to meet each other without something like this site. Of course need to be careful and check if that person is really JW or not. But our love story and stories of many others show that is possible. Wish you to find your spouse here.
Maria, 29 January 2024
I met her in just a few days and we hit it off and are serious about pursuing a relationship. Because of that we both feel we should focus on each other and not be on your dating site any longer. We thank you for your help in getting us together! :)
Randy, 28 December 2023
I found someone from this site and we have so much in common. I met her in person today. We are getting engaged, I feel it in my heart. Thank you!
Clint, 4 December 2023
Thanks for being a mediator in this search for being evenly yoked with likeminded believer!
Han, 24 October 2023
It’s a wonderful experience. I’m glad he is a servant of Jehovah. We met here on the site. We love each other. What really matters is that he loves me so much. He cherish me. And I in return loves and respect him with all my heart. He’s happy he found me. I am happy I found him. He’s a wonderful personality. I thank Jehovah.
Ruth, 2 October 2023
Thank you so much for this wonderful site I found my perfect match and we are getting married. Jehovah has truly blessed me with this so thank you for this great way I've found her.
Michael, 2 February 2016
I found a match on this website and I am happy. I thank Jehovah for allowing me to find a compatible sister on this website. I thank your staff for all you have done for us. Again, thanks a lot. I also told a few friends about this website.
Wesley, 2 February 2016
To all brothers and sisters. I hope you find true love a love that will last into the new system. I did we will be getting married this summer he is everything I prayed for in a mate. One who loves Jehovah one who loves my children and one who loves my cooking. So don't give up pray to Jehovah and he does answer your prayers. Take care.
Liz, 2 February 2016
I met a really nice brother after less than a month of subscribing. He is very encouraging spiritually and I love that about him. We just clicked, and we have great chemistry! We have a lot in common. Similar spiritual goals and that's very important. I wish everyone on here finds what they are looking for. Take care fellow brothers and sisters.
Shaw, 2 February 2016
This website changed my life! I can't say thank you enough! I begged Jah for years to help me out of an abusive situation & to yoke me with a spiritual man who loves Jehovah. For a husband that will cherish & love his wife! I truly believe Jehovah answered my prayers & sent me my soul mate! He is much MORE than I even prayed for! I pray he feels the same & can move forward with our lives very soon! I want to be his wife for eternity!! Jehovah is AMAZING!!
Jade, 2 February 2016